Climate Risk Assessment

Risk Maps
Risk maps were developed using a Common Framework and Methodology based on IPCC AR5 and AR6 risk frameworks
The risk map was made using a Common Framework.

The project identifies the districts and states at risk from two of the most prevalent climate hazards in India—drought and flood—in the context of both historical and current climate conditions, their exposure to hazard and system vulnerability.

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The risk assessment is based on a standardized (common) framework and indicators, fostering a holistic understanding of flood and drought risks.

Key Findings
(Indian Himalayan Region)

Risk indices are relative values. Large variations are evident in the flood and drought risk indices across the districts of the Indian Himalayan Region, highlighting the need for immediate policy attention.

Districts located at relatively low-lying areas and floodplain zones display the highest flood risk, with hazard being the main driving component. This highlights the need for strategies to manage and reduce the impact of flood hazards.


High exposure, marked by a dense population distribution and large proportion of area under rained agriculture, and vulnerability drives the overall drought risk in many districts, emphasizing the need for efforts targeted at reducing these two factors.


Emergence of new drought prone disctricts, which were historically unaffected by the hazard, calls for dedicated interventions and drought preparedness.



The assessment was conducted in 2 parts, starting with the states and union territories in the IHR, followed by a pan-India mapping.
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1. Development of common risk assessment framework and manual

2. National-level risk assessment at state and district level

3. Sensitizing states on the need for and utility of risk assessment and its application in risk management

4. Train state climate change cells/experts in risk assessment and generation of risk assessment maps by states.

5. Dissemination of risk assessment guidelines and maps through state stakeholders.